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That Little Bungalow on The River

          Where do I begin? The four walls that have held me & my family for the last almost five years will always be a part of me, and to find a way to concise it into a blog post would be like holding a candle to one of the brightest stars in the galaxy.     "Oh, it's XXXX square feet, planted on the river, number two, in a row of three other bungalows,” we always tell new friends.     Next door, there's "Faye-Faye", our child's adopted Grandmother. A small, gated yard that my dog, Popeye, frequently jumps to take a muddy dip in the river bed from time to time.     "Oh, I wish we had more space", I catch myself sighing to Joey on the regular. But I don't. I want to stay, right here, right where we are in our little river bungalow.     It's the smells of Sunday pancakes, the constant bumping into each other, and the coziness you feel when friends & family come to visit that keeps my heart here.     It's...

22 Years, 0 Months - A Checkpoint

  Today marks my twenty-second trip around the sun. Pretty crazy how scary time feels once you've hit about twenty-one; seems like that's all you ever grow-up wishing for: time to pass quickly so you can hit certain age milestones. I guess I never really thought about what life would be like or how precious I'd view time after twenty-one.
  A lot has happened this year:

  • I moved out of my parents' and into my own house back in October with my dog, Popeye,
  • Joey and I finally decided, after almost three years of being engaged, to set a wedding date,
  • Joey moved homes in September,
  • I moved into his house in May,
  • I quit my two jobs in my hometown,
  • I started a new job about thirty minutes from my house,
  • I bought a freaking wedding dress (huge real-life moment for me),
  • And my soon-to-be brother and sister-in-law had their baby.

  Among all of that, there have been plenty of laughs, rough days, tears shed, scary moments, anxiety attacks, angry times, and everything that comes along with living life. I am so grateful to have been on this earth for twenty-two years, and I hope that I'm blessed enough to live twenty-two more.
  As I continue, however, to document the next eight years of my life on this blog, I hope that you'll join me and stick around as I maneuver this decade. I'm glad that you're here to follow along with me on this journey.



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