To save you the long intro, I decided to try drinking warm lemon water before I ate or drank anything else every single morning. In an effort to reap the entirety of the supposed benefits, I also gave up my coffees. Here's my daily log and eventual verdict of what it was like to drink warm lemon water for a week:
Day 1: Squeezed a whole lemon's worth of juice into my two eight ounce (16 overall ounces) of warm water. Felt a little overkill-- it's not necessary to squeeze a whole lemon into the water, but I have something about me that is "all or nothing". Tasted good. Went to work without coffee; that sucked a little bit. This may be TMI, but.. digestive-wise, this stuff works great.
Day 2: Only used half a lemon, today. Also only drank eight ounces in total. I drank it at three in the morning because I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.
Day 3: Used the rest of the lemon that I only used half of on day two. I drank a little over eight ounces. Just got back from a weekend spent at the lake with friends and was dehydrated most of the time. Also, not drinking coffee sucks and my eating habits have consisted of junk food and staying fairly sedentary. Going to try working out for the first time in a while, today.
Day 4: Wow. I definitely didn't think I drank enough coffee to where I'd be going through what feels like withdrawals. I feel like death. Working out yesterday sucked. I want to eat anything and everything in sight. Still drinking my lemon water, though. I had about eight ounces this morning and a whole lemons worth of juice.
Day 5: This morning, on my day off, I finally jumped out of bed at around 9:30. I've had two eight ounce glasses of lemon water. I am still pretty tired, but feeling a bit better. I've been having a lot of cramps, but I think I'm doing well, so far. We'll see how the day progresses. Wow. Five days without coffee.. I cannot remember the last time in my life where that was a normal occurrence.
Day 6: I had another eight ounce glass of warm lemon juice from a half of a lemon. Energy levels have slightly increased, still miss coffee, but my tummy feels a lot better.
Day 7: Once again, a couple more eight ounce glasses of warm lemon water this morning was what I woke myself up to. I've noticed that my body feels a lot better. I'm experiencing less cramps from having so much acid from my coffee. I have random surges of energy when I get home from work, which was never a thing before this week.
Overall, I'm glad that I tried this "detox". I cringe at the sound of that word, only because I feel like it's used in out of context and people view that word as a quick way to lose weight. The point of a detox is to rid your body of unwanted toxins and free radicals. Free radicals can affect your mood and cause you to destroy your living cells; that's why it's good to detox every once in a while, so that you can cleanse your body, and your body can begin to heal itself, breathe, and become a stronger, more healthier version of itself.
I do feel like this detox was a great way to help me wean off of having so much caffeine. Since I started this, it's almost been a month. I stopped logging my progress after seven days, but kept this habit up until the (almost) three week mark. I don't drink lemon water every day, but somehow, was miraculously able to switch my morning coffee to water (???). I don't feel like I need caffeine anymore to keep me going at this time, and I truthfully think it's because I released a habit. My tummy is thanking me for not downing so much acidic liquid every morning. I think, in the past month, I've only had two cups, in total, of coffee; and that was simply from going out with friends, it wasn't even a necessity.
I definitely recommend this to anyone who feels like they are looking for a healthy way to recharge your body. Drinking lemon water is great, but you also need to pair it with a healthier diet and regular exercise if you're hoping to see results, and that's just the plain truth.
Also, if you're looking for a way to lessen your caffeine intake or quit it altogether, (which, props to you.. because that's rough), this is such a great way to cushion the blow of it all. It was hard, but my body is telling me that it was worth it. I feel a lot better.
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