Tomorrow, Joey turns twenty-three. Our birthdays are exactly one week apart, (his is on the eighth and mine is on the fifteenth of July), and they both fall on a Monday this year, which sucks. However, in an effort to make the most of it, we decided to spend today, (Sunday), celebrating him and doing things that he likes. We weren't able to do anything crazy or super exciting this year, since we're pretty tight on money at this point in our lives, with the wedding coming up in a month and whatnot, but we still had a good time.
We drove to Williamsburg, bought two of our favorite cheeses from the cheese shop and dark chocolate, raspberry truffles from the candy shop in Historical Colonial Williamsburg. After that, we drove to Target to purchase some items from our registry. Then, we came home and got started on Joey's special dinner request: a monster-sized cheeseburger. Joey mainly took care of the cheeseburger, while I mainly helped prepare the corn that we ate on the side, (we originally had four corns, but I dropped one in the process of taking these pictures, haha.) :
Popeye was always underfoot to catch any and all food that hit the ground in the process of grilling. The last time he ate corn, however, it didn't sit well with his tummy, so thankfully, this time, he thought the corn was too hot to eat when I dropped it, so we won't have to deal with that issue this time around.
Joey picked-out a huge King's Hawaiian roll to be the giant cheese burger's bun. He decked-out the burger with plenty of American cheese, lettuce, mayo, ketchup, mustard, and of course, plenty of fresh-cut onions and tomato. We topped the burger with a (stupid) Minion candle, we lit it, Joey made a wish and blew out the flame, and we dug right in. The burger felt overwhelming to eat, but it was great, nonetheless.
Happy to enjoy another year with this crazy dude. Happy I get to marry him in just a little over a month. Happy Birthday, Joey.
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