Joey and I have been together since November of 2016. He always says that it was December, but it was definitely November when we were "unofficially, officially" together. Now, we've been together just shy of three years. I love him, he's my best friend, but sometimes I need a break to just spend time with me, myself, and I, and here's why I think every now and again, you should, too:
Let me introduce to you: solo dates. Solo dates are exactly what they sound like; they are dates with yourself. Think of them as a "time out" for your brain; a time for you to sit and think about everything that you're going through.
I feel like this blog post title could come off in a negative light, but believe me.. going on solo dates has made my relationship with Joey healthier and stronger. It allows me to make better-processed decisions with him and it helps my mind stay fresh and open. Sometimes, when you're with someone, it can be hard to think clearly and process what you're really feeling-- especially if you're in the heat of an argument or even just feeling like you're at a plateau in your life. It's healthy for you to step away and treat yourself to a solo date every now and again to step away for a few hours, and allow yourself to think without someone else being around,
especially in those specific times when you and your significant other are in the throes of making such a massive decision.
Of course, if you're in the middle of making a decision that needs to happen right away, you shouldn't step away and say things like, "Oh, I can't make a choice right now, I need to spend some alone time to process this.", that would be ridiculous. However, taking an annual or semi-annual date with yourself can help to keep your mind fresh and ready for when those times do come around; you'll be ready.
A solo date can be anything you want it to be, as long as you are alone-- no friends, no family, just you. It can be a shopping day, a spa day, a hike, a drive.. whatever you want it to be, so long as you are away for a few hours and away from people that you know.
I've always found, my greatest decisions have come after I've spent at least four to five hours alone with myself, (sometimes the whole day). I do a lot of thinking and processing during those times, and if I feel like it, I'll even write, like I previously mentioned in my "Living With Anxiety & Depression - How Writing Helps Me" blog post. Writing helps, too.. a lot.
In an effort to keep this blog post short and sweet, I just really wanted to let you know-- especially if you ever feel overwhelmed in the moment of decision making, if you feel stressed, or confused: take a solo date. Go somewhere. Process your thoughts. Then, when you're ready, you can come back and make a clearly thought-out choice.
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