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That Little Bungalow on The River

          Where do I begin? The four walls that have held me & my family for the last almost five years will always be a part of me, and to find a way to concise it into a blog post would be like holding a candle to one of the brightest stars in the galaxy.     "Oh, it's XXXX square feet, planted on the river, number two, in a row of three other bungalows,” we always tell new friends.     Next door, there's "Faye-Faye", our child's adopted Grandmother. A small, gated yard that my dog, Popeye, frequently jumps to take a muddy dip in the river bed from time to time.     "Oh, I wish we had more space", I catch myself sighing to Joey on the regular. But I don't. I want to stay, right here, right where we are in our little river bungalow.     It's the smells of Sunday pancakes, the constant bumping into each other, and the coziness you feel when friends & family come to visit that keeps my heart here.     It's...

The Art Of Motivation - A Blog For People Who Create

  One thing I find to be most difficult in life is mastering the art of staying consistent-- whether that's keeping-up with my routine of working out, eating healthy, writing, or even just simply remaining positive when everything in life feels like it's crumbling.
  Staying consistent on account of my ability to stay motivated would never work. My motivation often flies out the window the (milli)second that I don't see any fruition in my efforts. I am someone who likes to see 'quick' results, rather than results that have been built overtime. There's a quote from a song from when I was a teenager that I used to resonate with a lot: "we want drive-thru peace and instant hope". I felt like that pertained a lot to me and my own life, because I give-up quite frequently on projects when something doesn't immediately go my way.
  Staying motivated, I've found, isn't always going to come. Sometimes "being motivated" manifests itself in remembering to stay consistent when all you want to do is throw-in the towel. It's remembering that the goal is delayed gratification, rather than instant.
  All of this is important, I feel like, for people who create. I think it's important, when you're creating something on whatever platform that it may be, to pour your heart into whatever you're making. It doesn't matter what your passion is, what matters is what you put into it. I'm a huge believer in 'reaping what you sow' and 'what you put into it, you will get back out'.
  I feel like when you look at your efforts in work as a way to give that creative part of your brain an outlet, and a place to release your best energy and heart into, you will feel so much better. It gives your mind room to breathe and to simply create. Do well in whatever it is that you do, and it will come back to you.



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