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That Little Bungalow on The River

          Where do I begin? The four walls that have held me & my family for the last almost five years will always be a part of me, and to find a way to concise it into a blog post would be like holding a candle to one of the brightest stars in the galaxy.     "Oh, it's XXXX square feet, planted on the river, number two, in a row of three other bungalows,” we always tell new friends.     Next door, there's "Faye-Faye", our child's adopted Grandmother. A small, gated yard that my dog, Popeye, frequently jumps to take a muddy dip in the river bed from time to time.     "Oh, I wish we had more space", I catch myself sighing to Joey on the regular. But I don't. I want to stay, right here, right where we are in our little river bungalow.     It's the smells of Sunday pancakes, the constant bumping into each other, and the coziness you feel when friends & family come to visit that keeps my heart here.     It's...

Three Small Ways That You Can Declutter, Today

  Day-to-day life comes and goes. You know the old song and dance: another day at work, another take-out meal for lunch, trash piles-up in the car, dirt tracks through the house and goes un-vacuumed for weeks; life, in a nutshell, becomes cluttered and unorganized, which in-turn, takes a massive toll on our mental state and ability to stay on-task and in-control. What I'm trying to say, here, is that clutter equals a messy mind. When our minds are messy, life can feel a bit unsettlingly chaotic and unmanageable. When our living spaces are free of clutter, our minds are able to thrive and be their most-productive selves.
  With all of that being said, when the mess forms, (and it will-- and should.. because that's life!), how should we clean it without feeling overwhelmed? Here are my three simple steps that you can start today to regain control of your space and places where you spend the most time that tend to gather daily-life clutter:

  1. Every time you exit your car, take out three pieces of trash/unwanted items that are sitting in your car, (ex. basic trash, that mug that you drink your coffee in that you haven't cleaned in weeks [*cough, cough* I'm personally very guilty of this], books, etc.) If you are someone like me that spends a whole lot of their lives behind the wheel of a car, this trick will work amazingly after a week's time.

  2. As soon as you're done using a dish, don't stick it in the sink! Now, this can be a really hard tip to follow, because personally, I fucking hate doing the dishes.. but I can tell you now, I certainly would rather wash one dish versus fifteen at one time, which is what happens after they start to pile-up. Try this trick after dinner tonight; I promise, you will thank yourself.

  3. Right after you wake-up in the morning, make your bed! Nothing is better than coming home after a long day than to walk into your room and see that beautifully-made bed. There's something very adult-y about opening-up your bedroom door to a bed that's perfectly made. This step, above all, regardless of how simple it is, makes a world of a difference and makes me, personally, feel like I have my shit together to some degree, (haha!). This is such an easy step, too-- I highly recommend using it.

  These steps, even though I don't follow them perfectly, really do help me regain control of my life when I feel like clutter is closing in. I hope they can help someone else, too.



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