One of the best things, I've found, about owning and running a personal blog that is centered around documenting my life and my experiences throughout my twenties, are the moments when I find myself sifting through some of my older blog posts, remembering where I was in life mentally, physically, and emotionally, and feeling the change that I see within myself from then to now.
One of my most favorite parts of the blog are the "checkpoints", where I take a moment of my time to reflect on how my life is right now:
- joey and i adopted a third dog; his name is casper and he is a two-year-old walker-coon hound. he is really sweet, but he's had a rough life and we're learning to be patient and consistent when implementing house rules with him, since he's never had to follow any in his two years of life,
- we threw a massive halloween party two days ago, and it actually went super well despite my anxiety of it not going as planned,
- work is going.. okay. it's not as bad as it was, but i still wish i was able to do something along the lines of working from home,
- i've been learning, even more than i originally had understood, the importance of communication in relationships,
- i've been exploring more of what i've always wanted to do and learning that it's okay, because despite what i've always been taught, it's important for me to learn who i am and what i decide is right for myself,
- i still hate myself for not F O L D I N G clean L A U N D R Y,
- with the laundry stuff aside, i can feel myself getting ready to have a giant purge of all of my belongings and deciding what needs to stay and what can go,
- i've been doing really well with not spending money, which has always been hard for me. it feels awesome to finally have money left-over after bills as the months go by of me making better financial decisions,
- no babies, no babies, no babies,
- i've been eating like shit lately, and it makes me mad.. but i still continue to do it(???),
- time management is still not my forte,
- i bought some really nice running shoes after a year of running in and wearing around my old, beat-up tennis shoes that made my joints hurt,
- i've recently decided that i need to spend more time outside and less time inside,
- i've also recently decided that i want to take more of my time doing things that make me happy, instead of wallowing in my bed in my free-time,
- i've had to set some heavy boundaries with people in my life that i've allowed to walk all over me for years, and even though i've had yet to be around them, (dreading the holidays, because seeing them will be inevitable), it feels good to keep them at arm’s distance, and it also feels good to decide for myself who can and cannot be in my inner-circle of people without having to explain to them why they're no longer allowed into my life-- they don't deserve the reasoning for the 'why' in my decision, only i deserve it,
- i feel proud of myself a lot more lately, and that feels good,
- i've been enjoying the fuck out of the beautiful season that is fall,
- i can actively feel myself becoming stronger, and even though i am not perfect at it, i'm still so happy with how i'm taking better care of myself.

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