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That Little Bungalow on The River

          Where do I begin? The four walls that have held me & my family for the last almost five years will always be a part of me, and to find a way to concise it into a blog post would be like holding a candle to one of the brightest stars in the galaxy.     "Oh, it's XXXX square feet, planted on the river, number two, in a row of three other bungalows,” we always tell new friends.     Next door, there's "Faye-Faye", our child's adopted Grandmother. A small, gated yard that my dog, Popeye, frequently jumps to take a muddy dip in the river bed from time to time.     "Oh, I wish we had more space", I catch myself sighing to Joey on the regular. But I don't. I want to stay, right here, right where we are in our little river bungalow.     It's the smells of Sunday pancakes, the constant bumping into each other, and the coziness you feel when friends & family come to visit that keeps my heart here.     It's...

Halloween Spooktakular: Ouija Boards, Shadow Figures, & More - Podcast Episode #11

  Welcome to a very, very special edition of "Let's Vent"! This week, we're celebrating Halloween by telling true, personal scary stories that I've experienced and some that I've been told while growing up.
  I also want to apologize for being, now, two days late on my episode posting.. but this episode was extremely difficult to record, edit, and upload merely because I feel extremely awkward about the subjects that I'm going to share, today. It's difficult for me to finally tell the public all of the things that I've recently been experiencing, but with the support and help of some close friends, I decided that it was okay to post.
As always, thank you for listening-- your continued support of this podcast mean the world to me, and you guys are the reason why I record and upload every single week, so thank you.
Listen to "Halloween Spooktacular - Ouija Boards, Shadow Figures, & More" by searching "Let's Vent" on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, or follow this link:



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