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That Little Bungalow on The River

          Where do I begin? The four walls that have held me & my family for the last almost five years will always be a part of me, and to find a way to concise it into a blog post would be like holding a candle to one of the brightest stars in the galaxy.     "Oh, it's XXXX square feet, planted on the river, number two, in a row of three other bungalows,” we always tell new friends.     Next door, there's "Faye-Faye", our child's adopted Grandmother. A small, gated yard that my dog, Popeye, frequently jumps to take a muddy dip in the river bed from time to time.     "Oh, I wish we had more space", I catch myself sighing to Joey on the regular. But I don't. I want to stay, right here, right where we are in our little river bungalow.     It's the smells of Sunday pancakes, the constant bumping into each other, and the coziness you feel when friends & family come to visit that keeps my heart here.     It's...

24 Years, 0 Months, & 11 Days: A Checkpoint

     Every few months or so, I like to add another installment to the reason why I started this blog; to document the first real decade of adulthood. So, without further ado, here I am eleven days after my twenty-fourth birthday. Roughly six more years are left in documenting this fraction of my life on earth.

  • I'm a mom to an eight-month-old. She finally has her two bottom teeth popping through. She has such a beautiful, funny, smart personality popping through, too. Joey & I love being parents.
  • Therapy has allowed me to dig deeper into myself. I no longer feel like I need to know the "why" of things that happen or have happened to me. Now, I am confident enough to know that I am only in control of how I react to these things. I feel proud of myself & the strides that I'm taking in bettering my mental health. I'm not healed, but I'm healing.
  • I'm on week three of my twelve-week 5K race training plan. I am proud of myself for sticking to it, so far. I've missed running so much; I had to stop it while I was pregnant because it was too uncomfortable. It's been an amazing stress reliever for me. I take my dog, Popeye, running with me. He's a good running partner.
  • I've managed to "crack-the-code" so to speak on keeping my house relatively clean. I do a load of dishes in the dishwasher every night before bed, put the dishes away in the morning, make the bed right after I wake up, clean as I go, & vacuum every other day, (at least). It's been working.
  • I've been devoting a lot more of my free time to freelance writing work & my blog. I feel happier with my work life.
  • Sunni is learning to say the word, "Mama". We're not sure if she knows what it means, yet, but she's starting to say it, and it's such an incredible feeling; I truly don't think there's anything more amazing than watching your little human learn new things.
  • I always have to have gum, now. I've always liked it, but lately, I love it. So, it's virtually always on my person. Specifically, the Trident™ Tropical Twist flavor. Ugh.. so good.
  • Joey & I are on season five of Orange is The New Black on Netflix. We can't get enough. I can't believe a certain character died, though.. (don't want to insert any spoilers).
  • I started a book club a little over three weeks ago. We meet every Thursday at 7pm with a glass of wine. It's been going wonderfully. I love it so much. I'm naturally a very secluded person, so it's been nice to have a weekly check-in with these friends. It gives me something to look forward to every week.
  • I've noticed a shift in myself caring less & less about whatever narrative people have of me. At the end of the day, I know myself & that's all that matters to me. (This is groundbreaking for me)
  • I've definitely been tapping more into my creative side lately, and I've been enjoying myself. I used to make videos & take photos a lot while growing up, so this has been a nice return to my true self. ☺︎



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